There’s still time for BoFs

I’m officially declaring my attempts at keeping Wednesday night EclipseCon 2007 BoF slots open as an abysmal failure; it seems that an awful lot of folks wanted their BoF sessions on the last night. I had originally intended to keep Wednesday night as open as possible so that we could schedule some last minute sessions, but that’s just not in the cards.

You’ll probably notice—when you’re looking over the printed schedule—that a lot of changes have occurred in the BoF timings. Since the schedule when to press, I received a flurry of emails informing me that I’ve mis-scheduled a variety of BoF sessions because BoF XYZ really should happen after session ZYX, or that Mr. Jones needs to be at three different BoFs and two of them are scheduled at the same time, or whatever. These are all reasonable constraints that—in my defense—weren’t actually specified when the BoFs where proposed.

Next year, I intend to make it more clear that we do try really hard to meet scheduling constraints, so long as they’re actually specified. A simple comment to the effect of “Mr. Jones needs to be a session XYZ and ZYX” goes a long way to helping us schedule these things as conveniently as possible.

There are still slots available on Monday and Tuesday nights. If you want to schedule a BoF, now would be a good time. Use EclipseZilla to make your proposal. And be sure to list any constraints you have in the comments…

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